The other night I cooked a delicious Chicken Tikka Masala which was amazingly good, but unfortunately I knocked half a cup of canned coconut cream all over my left suede shoe, which was not great for the shoe nor my stress levels, although the kids found it highly amusing.
Thankfully, this lamb stir fry I cooked last night was created without major incident and no damage to any footwear that I am aware of.
Now, for your information, the onions pictured on the side are because I’m on the low FODMAP diet right now so I mixed them in for the rest of the gang afterwards, — not ideal, but needs must.
Used garlic infused oil instead of fresh garlic, again because of the FODMAP thing, which turned out great, although I had to splash a lot on to the plate afterwards to really get the flavour. Ideally, I would cook in fresh onion and garlic in the usual manner, being careful not to burn the garlic.
The meat was delicious, two backstraps that the butcher sliced for me, warmed to room temperature and cooked fast on the wok before being set aside while I cooked the rest. Actually I started with all the meat in the wok at once but that lowered the temperature too much so I quickly whipped it all into a bowl and seared them fast in smaller batches. I’ll know next time. Pan searing it on moderate-high is supposed to stop it going tough. And it wasn’t tough at all, so that was a win despite my fumbling about.

Better Half recommended next time to season and then quickly grill the backstraps on high heat before slicing, might give that a go. But having said that, I was pretty happy with the butcher doing some of the prep work for me! I must recommend Greg’s Tender Joint in Belgrave South in the Dandenong Ranges here where we live, always passionate about his product, and helpful with a hot cooking tip and great service.